ReadImageDocument Node

The ReadImageDocument node returns image file details from a specified data object and row whose content will have been created by an Image Panel or Document Linker control.

Toolbox location: Database >


  • The Column Names field selects the column in the data object where the image data is stored. This is always of type VARBINARY and the Columns List box only displays columns of this type for selection.
  • The example shows a hard-coded System Id; but this would normally be supplied by a variable whose value could be derived from an input to the workflow.
  • You set Content Type according to the control (Image Panel or Document Linker) that created the data object content.
  • The Output is a JSON string that specifies FileName, Content, and Length, for example—
[{"FileName":"1538752212468A.jpeg","Content":"<Base64 data>","Length":3075}]